As of March 25, 2025

Account Terms APY*
Regular Savings: Balances from $5.00 to $750.00 .05%
Balances from $751.00 to $1,500.00 .07%
Balances from $1501.00 to $2,500.00 .09%
Balances from $2501.00 to $25,000.00 .11%
Balances from $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 .11%
Balances from $50,001.00 to $999,000.00 .11%
Account Terms APY*
IRA: Balances from $5.00 to $750.00  .75%
Account Terms APY*
CA: 1 Year $1,000.00 Minimum 1.16%
CA: 2 Year $1,000.00 Minimum 1.26%
CA: 3 Year $1,000.00 Minimum 1.36%
CA: 6 Month Special** $5,000.00 Minimum 3.79%

*APY is the Annual Percentage Yield.  All Rates Are Subject to change by the Board of Directors.

** Limited time only, Membership is required with a $5.00 share deposit. Non-Renewal.