Relationships can be tricky, especially once you get money involved. Many couples will end up seeing the utility and necessity of combining finances to at least some degree. Couples who work together on their financial goals often build stronger, more successful partnerships. Saving for a dream vacation, a first home, or simply having a shared goal for a rainy-day fund can be something to work on together and bring you closer. 

Look in my Heart 

True love can’t be built on secrets–especially when it comes to finances. Being open and honest about your income, debts, spending habits, and financial goals is key to a successful relationship. Financial transparency can come in many forms. Sharing your full financial picture with your partner is a good place to start. You can discuss spending habits and agree on your shared budget together, and set expectations for saving and debt repayment. 

Having an open dialogue with your partner about money can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen trust. Having a money talk can be a love language all its own!

Be There to Share Forever 

Relationships are about partnership. That includes financial support. While every couple finds their own way to split expenses, it is important to make sure both partners feel supported and secure. Whether you are splitting bills down the middle, contributing proportionally based on income, or combining finances completely, having a plan ensures you are working together toward your financial goals. Supporting each other through the ups and downs of money management can help build a future as strong as your love for one another. 

I’ll Be Thinking of You

Just as in a relationship, keeping yourself financially fit requires commitment. It’s easy to get sidetracked and have setbacks in your goals. That’s why it helps to have a partner who keeps you accountable. You can find ways to stay on track together. Set a shared savings goal, like a dream vacation or a down payment on a home. Regularly check in with each other about financial progress, and gently remind each other of long-term plans when temptation strikes. 

Let Love Keep Us Together

At the end of the day it’s important for you both to be invested. In your relationship, in your finances, and in your shared future. Whether you’re planning for retirement, a family, or just in case of emergency, working together toward financial goals can strengthen your commitment to each other. With a solid plan and a strong partnership you’ll keep your love (and bank account) thriving.